Welcome to one of the biggest outdoor supply stores in the Midwest! Presleys Outdoors is a family business offering high-quality outdoor gear near Peoria, Illinois. Our well- equipped Bartonville facility and our online outdoor store are the newest incarnations of our decades- old hunting and fishing gear outlet.
It all began in 1946 when Presleys South Side Worm Ranch opened its doors on Adams Street in Peoria. The bait shop had its humble beginnings in a trailer manned 24/7 by our grandpa. He slept on a cot in the store, answering the door at 3 a.m. so customers would have unlimited access to fishing worms without spending hours digging in the mud.
Our dedicated founder didn’t just do nighttime duty at the Worm Ranch. The father of eleven tied a coffee can around his neck and ventured out on rainy nights to dig for fishing worms. Neighborhood kids supplemented his inventory by selling Grandpa night crawlers for a penny apiece.


When our grandfather died, dad Tim took over the family bait store. A few decades after opening, Presleys South Side Worm Ranch evolved to include guns and hunting supplies. In December of 2004, the Presley family packed up our business and moved it to our current location in Bartonville, Illinois. The 35,000-square-foot space has allowed us to expand our inventory of hunting and fishing gear and create an indoor archery range.
With our long family history of providing everything fishing and hunting enthusiasts need to enjoy their favorite pastimes, we’re committed to providing the same personal service our granddad provided to his customers. We’re as passionate about fishing, hunting and the great outdoors as our loyal customers are. We live and breathe hunting and fishing, and we love sharing our experience and knowledge with customers. Central Illinois has supported us since our post-World War II opening. In addition to providing top-notch customer service and the best selection of outdoor clothing and fishing and hunting gear around, we express our gratitude by taking part in community events whenever possible. We at Presleys Outdoors welcome our local customers, as well as the entire online community of avid hunters and fishermen in search of quality hunting equipment and fishing supplies.

We have proudly served central Illinois since 1946 and have continued to support the community by giving back as much as possible. One of our proudest efforts is our 501c3 Non-Profit, Hooked on Fishing Park. Established in 2008, Hooked on Fishing is located in East Peoria along the Illinois River and offers free fishing education and opportunities for kids, people with special needs, seniors and veterans. The park offers 3 stocked ponds and provides all the equipment with volunteers to help along with wheelchair accessibility.
For more information please visit www.hookedonfishingpark.org