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DSD ACE Upright Hen Turkey Decoy

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Product Description

Free Decoy Bag and Motion Stake

Our original and still our #1 selling turkey decoy, the DSD Upright Hen is the decoy that started it all! The first-ever ultra-realistic, custom turkey decoy and just like when we came out with our first goose decoy, our turkey decoys changed everything we all thought we knew about how well birds would come to decoys. Just like in goose decoys, the otherwise complacent turkey decoy industry has scrambled to try to bring something to the market in reaction, but nothing has come close to the effectiveness of our flagship turkey decoy. She is in an upright, but relaxed pose and has all the super subtle accuracies in detail, pose and anatomy, plus our proprietary finish that cannot be matched! She’s attractive to the toms and great at taunting stubborn boss hens. The DSD Upright Hen is lightweight and of modest size and is very easy to pack. She’s always to perfect shape and ready to set up quickly without having to inflate or work out wrinkles. Made of legendary A.C.E Material, so it’s quiet and ultra-durable and even stray shots won’t dampen her effectiveness! Includes NEW Camo carry bag w/ DSD Logo, and motion stake.

“The Upright Hen was our first turkey and my first turkey sculpture. I approached it the way I did every time I’ve had to paint a fish I’ve never painted before. I proceeded slowly and used TONS of reference material. What I lacked in prior sculptural experience with turkey anatomy, I tried to make up in perseverance and patience. I’m a big believer in doing it right the first time, no matter how long it takes.”

- Dave Smith, Founder and Lead Design of DSD and avid hunter