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Stoeger 3000 3" 12 Gauge Shotgun 26" Max-7

$699.00 $499.98 $699.00
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Product Description

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Stoeger's Model 3000 is a 3-inch-chambered, 12-gauge, Inertia Driven semi-automatic shotgun that handles loads up to 3-inch magnums without adjustment. For reliability and performance, no other semi-auto in its price range compares to the M3000.

The bolt assembly of the Model 3000 includes an inertia spring and rotating locking head, two features that distinguish the bolt as an integral part of an Inertia Driven® System.

A shim kit is included with the Model 3000, which allows you to adjust the fit of the gun for drop and cast.

The Model 3000 comes with three choke tubes (IC, M, XFT) that run from improved cylinder to extra-full turkey.


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